Lösungen für die industrielle Strahlenabschirmung

Als weltweit führender Anbieter von industriellen Strahlenschutzlösungen ist Veritas stolz darauf, seine Produktpalette um eine Reihe modularer Abschirmlösungen und strahlengeschützter Türsysteme zu erweitern, die für alle industriellen Strahlungsanwendungen geeignet sind. Mit mehr als 25 Jahren Erfahrung in der Entwicklung und Herstellung von Abschirmungsprodukten für die Medizin-, Energie- und Nuklearindustrie ist Veritas der perfekte Partner für alle Unternehmen, die ihre Sicherheitsstandards und ihren Wert am Arbeitsplatz verbessern wollen.

VeriShield® Modular Radiation Shielding

At the forefront of our product offerings is the Verishield® Modular Radiation Shielding, a revolutionary alternative to traditional poured concrete solutions, high-density shielded blocks, and lead bricks. Not only is this product highly versatile, but it can also be tailored to suit facilities of any size or type. Our system consists of modular, high-density blocks that our skilled engineers can quickly and efficiently install. This innovative design guarantees 100% effective protection against harmful radiation, ensuring the safety of your environment.

SmartDoor® Shielded Entry System

Additionally, for businesses requiring a more bespoke solution, Veritas also offers the SmartDoor® Shielded Entry System. This custom-designed door system delivers unparalleled protection against radiation while allowing for seamless, safe, and fast access. Furthermore, both VeriShield® and SmartDoor® are backed by our team of experts, who guide you through every step of the process—from design and planning to implementation—ensuring a smooth experience.

At Veritas, we are deeply committed to excellence in all we do. From the superior quality of our products to our unmatched customer service, we strive to exceed expectations. Our team of highly skilled engineers and physicists brings years of expertise to the design and installation of radiation shielding solutions. Therefore, when you choose Veritas as your partner, you can rest assured that your project is in capable hands.

Contact us today to find out more about our world-class products and services.

Strahlengeschütztes Gewölbe mit modularem VeriShield-Block Industrielle Strahlenabschirmung

If you are in the process of building a new shielded vault, we invite you to fill out this Prospectus form to get an accurate quote comparison to other shielding methods.


Radiopharmaceutical Manufacturing & Cyclotron Shielding

Radiopharmaceuticals play a vital role in modern medical care, serving as key tools in both the diagnosis and treatment of various conditions. To support this critical field, VeriShield stands as a leader in industrial radiation shielding solutions, emphasizing quality and customer service excellence at every step.

World-Class Vaults for Radiopharmaceutical Production

Using the latest technology and innovative installation techniques, Veritas constructs world-class vaults for accelerator- and cyclotron-produced radiopharmaceuticals. These solutions not only meet the critical needs of patients but also advance the boundaries of clinical research.

Modular Shielding: An Alternative to Traditional Designs

Transitioning seamlessly into cutting-edge modular designs, Veritas offers an alternative to traditional poured concrete or high-density concrete blocks with solutions such as SmartDoor® Shielding, shielded vaults, and peripheral shielding.

Guaranteed Protection Against Radiation

With a 100% shielding guarantee, Veritas’ solutions are engineered to ensure maximum safety for facilities and personnel. These advanced systems represent a significant step forward in radiation shielding technology.

A Trusted Partner with Decades of Experience

Furthermore, Veritas’ 25 years of experience in the field underscores its reliability and expertise, making it a trusted partner for all radiation shielding needs.
By combining proven experience with a focus on innovation, Veritas continues to contribute to the safe and effective production of radiopharmaceuticals, supporting both patient care and medical research.


Zerstörungsfreie Bildgebung Industrielle Strahlenabschirmung
Zerstörungsfreie Bildgebung Industrielle Strahlenabschirmung

Hochenergie-Röntgeninspektionsdienste - Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung

Als führender Anbieter von Lösungen für den industriellen Strahlenschutz ist Veritas Shielding Solutions Ihre zentrale Anlaufstelle. Unsere modularen Abschirmungssysteme, VeriShield, sind so konzipiert, dass sie die spezifischen Konstruktionsanforderungen Ihrer Anwendung erfüllen, während unsere SmartDoor-Abschirmtür eine sichere, schnelle und effektive Barriere gegen Strahlenbelastung bietet. Unser Team von Strahlungsexperten hat sich dem Ziel verschrieben, ein Höchstmaß an Strahlungsabschirmung, Kundenservice und Exzellenz in allem, was wir tun, zu bieten. Von der Frachtinspektion bis zum Produktscreening sind unsere Lösungen auf die besonderen Sicherheitsanforderungen Ihres Unternehmens zugeschnitten. Ob Sie in der Luft- und Raumfahrt, der Medizintechnik, der Elektronik-, Automobil- oder Verteidigungsindustrie tätig sind, wir verfügen über die Erfahrung und das Fachwissen, um Ihnen die hochwertigen Abschirmungsprodukte und -dienstleistungen zu bieten, die Sie erwarten. Wenden Sie sich noch heute an uns, um mehr darüber zu erfahren, wie wir Ihnen helfen können, Ihre Mitarbeiter und Ihr Eigentum vor Strahlenbelastung zu schützen.

ERFAHREN SIE MEHR ÜBER die zerstörungsfreie Röntgenprüfung

Veritas abgeschirmte Räume, Türsysteme und periphere Abschirmungen.

Spaltung - Fusion Energieerzeugung und Forschung Industrieller Strahlenschutz

Spaltungs-/Fusionsenergieerzeugung und -forschung

When it comes to the production of reliable nuclear power through advanced technologies, Veritas provides the industrial radiation shielding solutions you need. To achieve this, we leverage years of expertise to develop innovative bio-shield designs and components. These designs maintain their strength and attenuation levels even under challenging conditions, such as neutron loads and high temperatures.

Moreover, in addition to creating robust designs, Veritas prioritizes maximizing shielding attenuation to ensure optimal safety and efficiency. Furthermore, our solutions address critical challenges often faced by nuclear facilities, including activation, waste management, and recyclability, making them comprehensive and forward-thinking.

By seamlessly combining cutting-edge engineering with a strong commitment to sustainability, Veritas delivers shielding solutions that meet the ever-evolving demands of the nuclear power industry. Whether your focus lies in fission or fusion energy generation, our tailored products and expert guidance will not only meet your needs but also help drive your long-term success.

Veritas exterior vessel shielding, storage bunkers and bio-shield stockpiles.

Kleine modulare Reaktoren (SMR) Industrielle Strahlenabschirmung

Kleine modulare Reaktoren (SMR)

The International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA) is leading a global effort to standardize the design of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs), to ensure their safe and secure deployment. As part of this crucial initiative, the IAEA is collaborating with Veritas Shielding Solutions to explore the integration of VeriShield® technology into modular industrial radiation shielding designs.

One of the key advantages of VeriShield® lies in its patented, modular, high-density block design, which has been proven to achieve 100% effectiveness in radiation attenuation. Moreover, its lightweight and flexible properties make it ideal for modular shielding applications. Transitioning further into sustainability, VeriShield is non-toxic, and its decommissioning and dismantling processes are straightforward, making it an environmentally responsible choice for SMR applications.

By working toward the creation of international standards for SMR design and construction, the IAEA aims to establish a framework that will enhance the global safety and security of these advanced reactors. Furthermore, by incorporating VeriShield into modular shielding designs, the IAEA is confident in making a significant contribution toward achieving its ambitious goals. This collaboration represents a critical step in advancing the safe and sustainable deployment of nuclear energy worldwide.

Wenden Sie sich noch heute an uns, um mehr darüber zu erfahren, wie wir Sie dabei unterstützen können, Ihre Mitarbeiter und Ihr Eigentum vor Strahlenbelastung zu schützen.

NorthStar Beloit


Check out the latest case study. In this project, Veritas designed, constructed, and installed the radiation-shielded vault to house IBA 40 MEV TT300-HE accelerators. Additionally, the team built the surrounding rooms to ensure optimal functionality.